Monday, December 26, 2011

Why, How, Where, Who

Why take a trip like this? My first day overseas ever, back in 1990, I was in Damascus, Syria, looking at damask (get it?) tablecloths in the bazaar. I bought two for family members, but no more, because I thought I'd see them everywhere. Nope! And I've never been back there. Lesson learned, glad it was just a tablecloth.

A few years later I was offered a cab ride from Jerusalem to the northern West Bank, a day trip to Nablus, Mount Gerazim, Shiloh, and Samaria, and back to Jerusalem. It was 1999. Within a year the second intifada began, and checkpoints were built--and such a trip became impossible for residents and visitors alike. Because of that excursion I could hold Nablus in my heart throughout the turmoil that followed. 

This year my work is portable and my spouse is willing to feed the cat. Opportunities came and one night I dreamed that I took them. I am so grateful for the invitations that make this possible and for the freedom to make it a reality. Not to be taken for granted, nor postponed in unbelief.

The Grand Itinerary

Thurs, Jan 5: Louisville to Chicago, then overnight to Munich. 

Fri, Jan 6:  Munich to Izmir (Smyrna) in western Turkey, meet a group, and travel four days through seven cities with one thing in common. What? Here are the cities: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. Here is the hint: The Greek island of Patmos is very close by. A second hint: one of these cities was called "lukewarm" by John.

Wed, Jan 11: Travel to Istanbul (NOT Constantinople) for a couple of quick days.

Thurs, Jan 12: Overnight flight to Delhi, then early morning to Kathmandu and on to Pokhara, Nepal, where my daughter Claire lives. Celebrate late Christmas, enjoy her and husband Sajal and Sajal's family, work on writing projects.

Thurs, Jan 26: Evening flight to Delhi. 

Fri, Jan 27: Early morning to Istanbul and, Insh'Allah, arrive in Tel Aviv airport within fifteen minutes of Jane Larsen-Wigger and twenty other pastors from the Louisville area. Bus to Pilgerhaus on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee for touring, reflection, worship, and rest.  

Fri, Feb 3: Bus to Notre Dame Guest House in Jerusalem for the second week of our pilgrimage. More touring, reflection, worship, and rest.  

Fri, Feb 10: See pilgrims off and move to Bethlehem to teach Old Testament to Palestinian tour guides.  

Thurs, Feb 16: Thessaloniki, Greece, to visit a friend.  

Sat, Feb 18 (or so): Train to Athens.  

Tues, Feb 21: Return to Louisville via Frankfurt and D.C.

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